LIG-Aikuma Release

LIG is pleased to inform you that an update of Lig-Aikuma (V2) is available on the Forge.
This version will be demonstrated at Interspeech 2016 in September…

Here are the improvements made:

  • Visual upgrade:
    + New filename rules (now the format is as follows: YYMMDD-hhmmss_lang_idDevice)
    + Progression bar in all modes
    + Background color and relevant icons on “import file” popup
  • Conceptual upgrade:
    + Birth year field (instead of Age year) –> /!\ because of this change, as discussed in a previous BULB meeting, your current recordings made with V1 will not work directly with this new version of the app – Gilles is working on a script to transform V1 metadata into V2 metadata for compatibility
    + No more generation of the _preview file
    + New Elicitation modes for Images and Videos
  • Structural upgrade:
    + Undo button on Respeaking/Translate to erase/redo the last respeaking segment
    + Backup of the session for all modes

Contributing coders to this version: Calliste Hanriat, David Blachon and Elodie Gauthier